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College students make up almost 5% of self storage rentals. Here are a few marketing methods to get college students on your self storage facility!

Property managers are not only the first human impression of your facility but also the closers. The manager should be their guide to a great experience.

Which grassroots marketing techniques are right for your self storage facility and local community? Learn how to decide from Stacie Maxwell!

You worked hard to get tons of reviews, but what if it's not enough? See how to make sure you haven't wasted your efforts.

A good referral program can really accelerate your rentals. But how do you make the most of it? Learn here with Stacie Maxwell on Gabfocus!

The storage industry has become more competitive, and it's time to dust off some grassroots marketing. But which tactics are right for your business?

Your logo is AWESOME. Now you have two options: Put it everywhere as large as possible OR use it the right way. Let's talk about branding on your website!

Need to improve the occupancy at your self storage facility as quickly as possible? Take a look at these 5 tested methods to secure more customers!

You can't just build a self storage facility anywhere and succeed! Where you build your storage facility may be one of your most important decisions.

To develop brand awareness in self storage, it means you have to be involved in the community, and that will usually mean your facility gets used for hosting various events.

Are you having trouble recruiting and retaining a good self storage manager? Check out our discussion of pay structuring for storage managers here!

Thinking about investing in self storage? We get lots of questions from people looking to invest in the industry - find the answers here!

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