Posts in Self Storage SEO


Google's search algorithm has always been a secret - but the SEO industry has recently been handed the keys! See what these leaks mean for storage here.

Is Google's SGE really going to change the landscape of online search? Dive into the topic with Storagepug's SEO team here.

Learn how to find search-engine-friendly keywords for your storage facility with this quick and easy guide. Self Storage SEO - Updated in 2023


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Backlinks are an important part of your self storage website's SEO strategy. Learn what they are, how to see them, and how to get more!

New SEO guidance from Google! Google's search liaison has put out new instructions for SEO, and we've summarized the most important points here.

Google has a new ranking factor as of December 2023! Let's check it out and talk about how to use this information.

Want to put your facility at the TOP of Google's search page, get more rentals, and even beat national chains? Google Business Profile is your answer.

With all the SEO advice out there, how can you tell which to follow and what to ignore? Join StoragePug as we break down 7 SEO myths to avoid!

Is your SEO falling behind? Click here to learn how to improve your SEO in five minutes by making sure your N-A-P is correct across the web!

Naming your storage facility with SEO in mind will improve your chances of success, especially in high-competition areas! Learn more with StoragePug.

Self storage facilities, for the most part, serve local renters. We satisfy the needs of our community. That's the basic composition of local business, even if somewhat oversimplified. We know, however, that things are really more complicated than that.

What Determines Which Businesses Show Up in the 3 Pack? Google says there are three things its algorithm uses to decide which businesses show up. Relevance, Distance & Prominence

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