Not sure how you rank up to the facility down the street? Here are some simple metrics to see how you stack up!
Bad reviews aren’t the end of the world. In fact, a few bad reviews can be helpful! Click here to learn how to respond to bad self storage reviews.
Learn how best to raise rates without upsetting your customers! StoragePug has compiled advice from our experienced self storage operators here.
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Want to reduce redundant face time with tenants? We have five helpful tips to free up your time and elevate your customer service!
Tired of staring down that 1-star review? Click here to learn how to bury that bad review at the bottom of the stack, and show your good ones instead!
Is your self storage rental agreement foolproof? Create a better customer experience with clarity, software, and these helpful tips!
Self Storage, a product and a service, receives reviews regularly. Every operator should know best practices on how to deal with and where to find reviews.
It is easy for anyone to tap into an abundance of testimonials, reviews, articles, and more when researching products and services – whether it be food from a restaurant, clothes from a department store or rental services from your self-storage facility.
By setting up a secure online checkout process on your website, you can opportunistically ask for reviews at the completion page when the customer is at their most satisfied.
A successful self storage brand starts with your facility manager. By implementing a manager rewards system, you can encourage your managers to be successful in acquiring more positive online reviews.
The most prominent part of how a self storage facility shows up is its reviews. Regardless of where the search result is from, the review rating tends to be the most prominent piece.
Reviews have become a staple of the way we interact with businesses and products online. For some reason, it feels beneficial to receive guidance from strangers when making a final decision on a purchase.