Posts in Legal


Listen to our expert Joe Doherty from the Self Storage Association tell us the most common legal mistakes operators make.

Have a troublesome tenant you want to get rid of but are worried about doing it the right way? We asked our expert guest, Joe Doherty, for his suggestions!

Learn how well-meaning self storage operators can improve accessibility and protect themselves from predatory drive-by lawsuits.


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The way certain large operators are playing with rates right now has some people concerned about looming rent control measures. Should you be worried?

Are you curious which state has laws that favor self storage owners the most? If you're looking to get into storage or are just curious, check it out here!

Problem tenants are an inevitable downside to working in self storage, but here are a few ways to help you navigate uncomfortable conversations.

Want to figure out how to get those pesky tenants out of your self storage facility? We took the anxiety out of it and made a plan for you!

Have you heard the rumors about laws governing rental rate increases? Click here to learn where the laws are and whether you need to worry!


Why should you join the Self Storage Association? When money's tight, membership dues can be intimidating - but see the reasons you should still join here!

Be prepared for the worst with this explainer on self storage liability. See where you might be vulnerable and what you can do to protect yourself!

Every storage facility owner and manager dreads the thought of a live-in tenant. It’s not a situation that is easy to handle, and it’s one that often has a sad story behind it.

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