9 Slow Season Opportunities for Self Storage Operators

January 9, 2024

Regular maintenance being done to a self storage unit door.
5 min

Self storage is a cyclical market, which can be a good thing. Few other industries have the comfort of knowing their summer is going to be busy!

On the other side of the coin, there’s also a nearly guaranteed slow season in self storage that we tend to see right around the holidays. For a lot of owners or operators, this can be the least cheerful time of the year with vacancies rising and new rentals declining. 

Don’t stress! Tenants always find their way back, and self storage is built to last. But how do you make sure the slow seasons aren’t wasted time? 

In a lot of cases, we see facilities put a lot of their effort and funds into new marketing, like Google ads or even website upgrades. We’re definitely not against upgrading your marketing; we do a lot of it! 

But spending more on marketing isn’t the only way to grow your business. Your curb appeal and facility maintenance are important too!

When business is slow, it’s chore time! 

Maintenance is crucial because no matter how much money you spend to market your facility, you need to have a good product to sell.

Use your newfound downtime to make upgrades to your facility; there’s no better time to pave a lot than when it’s empty! 

There is a seemingly endless list of maintenance tasks to keep up with, but we broke it down into three categories–the basics. With these, you can be sure you’re the best option for customers.

Let’s start with what the customers see first.



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Exterior Maintenance

A lot of your tenants came from online searches but your curb appeal is still important! A huge portion of tenants find their self storage facilities just by driving by. Maybe you’re on their work commute, or just a couple minutes down the road on the way to the lake. 

Your location has a lot to do with who will store with you. The odds are that you’re not the only self storage facility in town, so making a good first impression is crucial.

Here are 3 quick ways to keep up your exterior!

1. Landscaping

Landscaping is a no-brainer, but what do we mean by landscaping? Of course having beautiful, trimmed bushes is ideal, but what about the smaller details? Is your lot gravel, or maybe a little cracked? Do you have weeds growing around the buildings?

Some landscaping costs 30 dollars of weed spray and a little bit of effort. You don’t have to have Disneyworld landscaping to make a good first impression, just a cared-for storefront!

2. Trash

This should also be a no-brainer. When a customer is driving by your facility to scope things out, they’re going to be immediately turned off by gas station cups on the ground or the dirty mattress leaned up against a wall. 

If you’re doing regular walk-throughs of your facility, this should be an easy one to maintain! 

3. Signage

Your sign is often the very first impression you have with a customer. If someone is looking for self storage, your sign is the fastest way to grab their attention. You may have perfectly good signage, and if you do, that’s great! For others, make sure that the lighting is bright, nothing is obstructing your sign, and it looks up-to-date.

Signage doesn’t have to be updated often, but you can’t ignore it either. You’ll know when it’s time to update, but keep it clean and visible in the meantime! 

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Maintaining your facility is a lot more than just waxing the doors and trimming up the lawn, it’s also making sure that your facility is ready for an emergency, or even just being sure that everything is up to your standards. 

Here are a few things you can inspect yourself:

1. Sprinklers

Disaster can strike at any moment! Are you prepared for a fire? Making sure your sprinklers are up to par is an amazing way to prevent true property damage. It’s also a nice selling point to tenants. 

When you check your sprinklers look for severe rust, oxidations, or leakage. 

2.  Roof

It’s easy to let your roofing sit in the back of your mind, but we can guarantee you it’s not in the back of your tenants’ minds if it’s old and out of shape. The more outdated a roof looks the less secure a customer will feel storing with you. Not every roof needs to be replaced; your job could be as simple as cleaning the gutters. Just make sure you’re leaving a good impression. 

Put your best foot forward from the ground up, all the way up!

3. Asphalt

For our paved lot friends, when your tenants bend down to lift a box, what do they see? Is it a clear, freshly paved lot or is it broken, cracked asphalt? We know that fully repaving your lot can be too big of an expense, but that doesn’t mean you can’t fill in the cracks.

Your tenants and their suspension systems will thank you!

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Storage Units Doors

When it comes to the customer’s experience with self storage, there are two things that they will interact with the most: your website and your doors. Your doors are often your facility's signature. Whatever color you choose, however much they shine, it’s all a part of your brand and image. 

So how can you best maintain your storage unit doors?

1. Move-out cleaning

Every move-out is an opportunity to bring your doors a little more life before the next tenant moves in. Cleaning your doors can be a little more complicated than you think, with water being needed for the exterior and a waterless alternative for the interior. 

Finding the right cleaning balance can make your tenants feel relieved they chose to store with you.

2. Touching up paint

Whether or not you need to repaint your doors is a big decision, and sometimes very necessary. Before you go through the whole ordeal of repainting the entire facility, look into other options. Some doors just need a bit of buffing! When you look at your doors do you see oxidation and rust, or just a couple of scratches and smudges? Trust your judgment! 

Sometimes touching up your paint just means a little gloss!

3. Oil your hinges

Nothing turns a tenant off quicker than a squeaky, irritating roll-up door. When a tenant moves out, take advantage of the opportunity to give your doors a little TLC. It’s probably been a long time since you’ve heard some of them roll up.

Sometimes the squeakiest wheel really does need the oil!

What you call the “slow season,” we call opportunity! Invest in your facility now so when the inevitable rush returns, you’re ready to give your new tenants the best experience possible! 

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Interested in learning more about owning a self storage unit business? Check out some of these great resources!


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