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      PugDashboard - Update Storage Tips

      Welcome to our PugDashboard help series. In this series of videos we walk you through everything you need to know to get the most out of your PugDashboard. 


      Hey everybody, this is Richard from StoragePug.  Today let's go over how to add, edit and remove storage tips from your storage website.  

      To get started, from your PugDashboard go to the Storage Tips page. Storage tips are organized in the left and right columns as they show up on your website.  To add a new storage tip pick which column you want it to show up in then click on the new storage tip button and a sidebar will appear. 

      Storage tips have two parts, the title, and the body. Now let's make a new storage tip. 

      Placement - Place items that you need frequent access to in the front of your...

      Update to the confirmation message.  Now let's go to the page and see if it shows up. 

      There's our new storage tip and there's the body.

      Now let's say we want to make it a little more interesting or friendly, let's add another sentence.  So go to the placement tip, click on the pencil button for edit, our sidebar will reappear and we can add another sentence. Then we'll update that tip, go back to the website, refresh, let the page load.  We can scroll down, see our new sentence there, and it has been updated.

      Now let's say later we completely change our mind and want to delete the tip altogether.  We'll come back to the tip here on our dashboard, go the red X, click it, and confirm that we want to delete it.  

      See the confirmation message, go back to the website, and sure enough our tip is gone. 

      Thanks for tuning in.  For more info click on the chat bubble to talk to a real pug today or book a time that's convenient for you.  Talk soon.