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      PugDashboard - Visit Separation Chart

      Today I'm going to break down the visit separation chart that's right here at the top of your PugDashboard. The PugDashboard is where you can have full control over your storage facility's website.

      Welcome to our PugDashboard help series. In this series of videos, we walk you through everything you need to know to get the most out of your PugDashboard. 


      Hello, this is Matt from StoragePug.  Today I'm going to break down the visit separation chart that's right here at the top of your PugDashboard. The PugDashboard is where you can have full control over your storage facility's website.

      Right now I'm viewing the website data for Boardwalk Storage, I know that because right up here it says Boardwalk Storage.  If you only have one facility you won't see a change but you knew that. This is separation chart shows you what devices the website traffic that's coming into your website people are using. So right now if we look over here we can see that there's desktop, mobile, and tablet.  We see that desktop has 33.76% of the weekly traffic, mobile has about 64%. and the tablet is a little over one and a half percent. We can toggle each of those on and off by clicking on them, and then you can make the graphs more custom to what you would need.

      Another cool thing that you can do is you can click the time frame... select the time frame.  The default view shows the week but you can also see the visit separation over the last month and also over the last year, that helps you get a better grasp on this visit separation chart.

      If you have any other questions you can always reach out to us by this little chat bubble down here. We always reach out quickly there in our working hours which is 9:00 to 6:00 on Monday through Friday Eastern Time, and then if we're not available you can schedule a calendar with us at your convenience and then we will get you up and running.  

      Thank you.